Victoria Inness-Brown

Posted: 20 August 2010

Victoria's book debunks aspartame studies proclaiming its safety

"I am inspired and encouraged by what one concerned and determined individual can do to effectively counteract the lies and misinformation we are fed daily by our government, multinational corporations, and mainstream media."
---Cher Gilmore, M.S.W., M.U.R.S.; media consultant

"Read Victoria's astonishing exposé. Does aspartame - sold in packets as NutraSweet and Equal - in fact do the opposite of what it claims? Are there really life-threatening adverse effects? Was it released on an unsuspecting public by unscrupulous public officials and profiteering scientists with severe conflicts of interest? Read and decide for yourself."
---Gini Energy

"In my opinion, we are the rats of the pharmaceutical and chemical companies that liberally spread their synthetic chemicals worldwide, with no one fully understanding the long-term adverse effects-especially the complex interactions from injecting thousands of toxic chemicals into the plant and animal kingdoms sustaining our planet."
-Victoria Inness-Brown, M.A.

Disturbing photos of private aspartame study show 67% of female rats with tumors

As a private citizen, Victoria Inness-Brown performed a 2-1/2 year study, putting aspartame in the form of packets of NutraSweet in the drinking water of 60 rats and keeping 48 rats as controls. Of the 30 females in the aspartame group, 20 developed tumors the size of golf balls or greater. To view photos of the shocking results, go to

My Aspartame Experiment: Report From A Private Citizen
available in full color or black and white

Get complete details from Victoria's 164 page book, My Aspartame Experiment: Report From A Private Citizen. View the sample section "Is Aspartame Addictive?" [ ]

The color version has eye-popping color photos [ ] for $23.95.

The black and white version has less expensive black and white photos [ ] for $9.95.